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Recommended books on investing

Below you can see which books I myself have learned a lot from, and which I believe every ambitious investor should have on their bookshelf.

My favorite book: "Richer, wiser, happier" (William Green)

richer wiser happier

The book Richer, Wiser, Happier is the book for you who want to read the history of, and learn from, some of the world's best investors. Author William Green has interviewed Charlie Munger, Mohnish Pabrai, Nick Sleep, Sir John Templeton and a number of other investors in this book. The stories they tell and their unique mindset will surely help you on your way to becoming a better investor.

A classic: "One up on Wall Street" (Peter Lynch)

one up on wall street peter lynch

The legendary investor Peter Lynch was able to show almost 30 percent annual returns in the years he was in charge of the Magellan Fund, thus making himself one of the most successful investors in history. His book One up on Wall Street has become a bible for many investors. In the book he deals with 6 different types of companies (stalwarts, slow growers, fast growers, cyclicals, turnarounds and asset opportunities) and tells you how you, as a small investor, have the advantage over large, institutional/professional investors.

A must read!

Get 40 percent off this book below

PS: Feel free to read my article about the best audiobooks apps, and discover which one is best for investment books!

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Bill Ackman

Charlie Munger

Warren Buffett